What’s For Dinner (September 1-7)

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably busier than you know what to do with, despite every attempt to slow down. In an attempt to slow down a little more, I’ve taken to planning my meals out (sort of…) I’m not talking every single dish planned out. I don’t thrive well in strict planning like […]

Busy People

I’m so sick of “busy” people. “Sorry I couldn’t get to that today. I was just so busy…” “I wish I could help, I’m just really busy…” “Oh wow! If I weren’t so busy, I’d totally be there…” I’m calling BS on that RIGHT NOW. There’s so many angles of this that bother me so badly. Do […]

I’m scared to start

I’m scared to start. And not really scared, because I’m anxious to get going and I can’t wait to get started. But also, I’m terrified. Because that threshold you have to cross from not doing the thing to doing the thing is a little bit intimidating. You can see the other side – you know […]