Slow Living – Reimagining Hustle with Stephanie O’Dea

My big takeaway:

Just chill out a little bit and enjoy the ride

New York Times Best Selling Author Stephanie O’Dea focuses on living slowly and with purpose. In this episode we chat about slowing down (reimagining hustle!), boundaries, and being with people unplugged. 

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Show Notes:

Roxanne: Podcasting from under my blankets. So it’s quiet enough to hear me. This is re-imagining hustle, a podcast for entrepreneurial parents, creating a life or business and parenthood live peacefully in the same space. I’m your host, Drax and market, a mom of two micro business coach and serial entrepreneur on a journey to prove that. It really is possible to do what you love. Without sacrificing all of your precious time. Let’s do this. 

Welcome back to re-imagining hustle. I can’t wait for you to meet my guest today. I have Stephanie O’Dea with me, Stephanie, how are you?

Stephanie O’Dea: I’m great. Thank you so much for having me.

Roxanne: oh, I’m so excited to have this conversation. We’ve been chatting beforehand and I already like, your energy is just so infectious. I can’t wait to unpack your story a little bit.

So can we just dive right in? Will you tell us about you, the work you do, your journey to get there? All the things.

[00:00:58] Meet Stephanie O’Dea 

Stephanie O’Dea: All of the things. Um, well, first and foremost, um, most people in my neighborhood just know me as a mom of three. So I have three children. I have, um, they, their ages currently are 19, 16 and 11. And the way I got started writing online and writing books was because when my. She’s now 16, but when she was shy of age two, she came to work with me.

I was running preschool centers and she was getting sporadically sick. And so I assumed it was daycare, germs, and quit right there on the spot. And we live in the San Francisco area. And so my husband was like, yeah, no, that’s not gonna work. You need to actually make money. So I had this fire in my belly.

To find a legitimate way to make money from home while I was taking care of my children. And so I on a whim, made a new year’s resolution to use my crockpot slow cooker every day for a year and write about it online. And it took off and I should mention that she’s perfectly fine now. So at the time, um, we didn’t know it, but she had celiac disease, which is a gluten intolerance.

And now everybody knows about it, but this was back in the old days and, and it wasn’t as prevalent as it is now. So the year of slow cooking website was born. And, um, because it was kind of a tightly focused niche of crockpot recipes, but they were also crockpot recipes. That were gluten free. I, um, had very good SEO, which is search engine optimization

Roxanne: Yeah.


Stephanie O’Dea: and, and the site took off and, um, Within a few months, I ended up, um, on the Rachel Ray Show.

I was on good morning America. Um, my recipes have now sort of morphed all over the internet, but again, this was back in 2008 and I actually was kind of the first crock pot recipe blog. And, um, and so I was inventing new uses for the crock pot. Um, it, it was so much fun. I, I love that I had this experience, Because what’s fascinating is I don’t know how re-creatable it is now.

And so I, I have book publishers and they’re like, oh, you should write a, a how to book on how to get started blogging. But as you well know, from working online, the internet changes constantly and you have

Roxanne: so much.

Stephanie O’Dea: feed the beast and, and a while I didn’t want to feed that beast anymore.

Roxanne: Yeah. I don’t blame you. I don’t blame you.

Stephanie O’Dea: Yeah. So, so now, um, now wait, so we had chatted in the, in the beginning. So, so this has been 13 years in the making. And so, um, in 2016, 2017, I was still writing crock pot recipes and, um, the instant pot hit the market. And all of a sudden my book, agent and readers and, um, and, uh, publishers were asking me to recreate everything.

As an instant pot recipe. And so I bought an instant pot and I goofed around with it. Um, but also in our personal lives, my grandma was sick at the time. And, um, she since passed away, but I was helping take care of her and, and helping my mom with all of that and all of this, like instant pot Frens with half happening and it just didn’t sit right.

Um, I bought the pot and I get why people like it, but it didn’t sit right for me. I felt, um, My personality is, is to kind of be slower. And I liked putting all of the food in the pot in the morning, heavily caffeinated, highly coherent. I can push the button and I can walk away. Whereas the pressure cooker is fascinating.

Cuz you can put a raw chicken in there. And then for, and all frozen chicken and then 45 minutes later, it’s fully cooked. But especially when I got started cooking as a kind of young wife and mother, um, my kids are cranky at 4:00 PM. It, it like isn’t safe really for me to be in the kitchen. And so I. Have always done the slow cooker thing and getting it done early in the morning.

And so the, the, the sort of pressure, blah, blah, blah, uh, of getting dinner figured out at four or five or 6:00 PM is just, it’s just not my nature. And so I didn’t like it. And so, um, I started thinking just because you can do something fast, it doesn’t mean you should. And so I sort of realized I don’t wanna constantly come up with another pot roast recipe.

I don’t wanna constantly feed this sort of internet, beast. I wanna slow down. And so, um, I’ve, I’ve taken to writing about slow living now and, um, And it feels more of my thing. I don’t feel, um, the, the pressure to, to constantly recreate, which is what was happening with, um, constantly coming up with new recipes.

Roxanne: Wow.

Stephanie O’Dea: So I think that’s how we found each other was your reimagining, the hustle. And I’m like, let’s slow down.

Roxanne: Yes. I love that THAT’s the word you choose. I, um, I had an experience a couple of months ago where that was kind of the, the message that kept coming to my mind was just slow down, slow down. And that, I mean, the podcast was born of that and businesses were born of that. And so I am, I, I am so intrigued and, and inspired by your story.

I’m curious this idea of, of slow living. So. Living is more than just cooking. It’s more than just the kitchen. So tell me a little bit about what that looks like for you and your, I mean, I’m gonna ask you about reimagined hustle a little bit, but tell me about, for you this slow living. What does that look like?

[00:07:02] What does Slow Living look like?

Stephanie O’Dea: Um, So on a day to day basis, it looks pretty darn normal , but I, I live in the San Francisco area and so we’re on the doorstep of Silicon valley. And when you go outside, you can actually feel kind of the frenetic frenzified, energy. People that walk too fast, they don’t smile. Um, the cars drive too fast. Um, I, I happen to have a day job right now in a school setting and the parents want.

To know, like in kindergarten, well, what do we do to get them on the Stanford track? I’m like, let’s just, let’s just chill out a little bit and let’s enjoy the ride. Cause the fact is if we’re lucky, life is long, we are living longer. We do not need to cram everything. in this short amount of time and I think.

Especially from watching my children grow up. People have this sort of feeling like if you don’t know what you’re gonna be by age 16 and what college you’re gonna go to, then you failed and that’s not true. And, and none of it is, true. Like take your time, relax, figure out what you really want to do.

You do not need to pick your sport by age nine. It’s fine. And, and, and the 30 year olds who, who are chomping at the bit to figure everything out and have their career and their family all lined up in a pretty row. My, my, my best suggestion is to just kind of go quiet for a little bit, stay off social media, think and, listen to the voices in your head and follow your intuition.

And so that is now what I do is I is I spend a lot of time. I have a group coaching program that is primarily geared towards moms and I do some one-on-one coaching and my best advice. And ironically, cuz we’ve met through social media, but is to step back 

Roxanne: Yes. 

Stephanie O’Dea: and re-remember your childhood dreams and, find a way to encompass in your adult life and the do more, be more hustle, hustle, hustle that we’re preached to primarily through the media.

Um, I don’t think it’s healthy in the long run. Um, I think you’re, constantly trying to cram yourself in a very narrow niche. And, the fact is that humans are, multifaceted. You do not need to dev define yourself in an elevator pitch, um, who you are, at 20 is not who you are at. 30 is not, who you are at 40 and it’s okay to sort of reimagine, um, Yeah, I know I’m speaking of the choir here, but

Roxanne: what though? No, but it’s so important because it’s, and, and I’m gonna, I often ask this question at the end of the podcast, but I do want you to take it a step further and tell us so we know what it, it doesn’t look like. Right. We know a slow living looks like. So if you could wave a magic wand and reimagine this idea of hustle, how do you reimagine that?

What does that look like for you?

[00:10:07] What does Reimagined Hustle look like for you?

Stephanie O’Dea: I think a lot of it is unplugging and I think, um, it’s fascinating because the pandemic. Really showed us when we all needed to go into lockdown. What’s important. What’s important is your own little nuclear family and taking care of them and the basics. Um, toilet paper is a basic, um, learning how, learning, how to, um, Cook from scratch maybe for the first time and going through your cupboards in your pantries and realizing, okay, I have a pound of dried beans that I bought on sale with a buy one, get one free. What am I gonna do with this? And so sort of recommitting to that kind of pioneer spirit that America was founded on.

Um, and , and realizing that at the end of the day, it’s your health that matters and it’s your family. And, um, Nothing else really does. Um, so the, the stuff, um, what, whether or not your, your house is. P trustworthy or, or Instagram friendly, none of that matters. What matters are the people in your life that you care and who are gonna help take care of you?

If unfortunately your health does fail. Those are the people, those are the relationships to nurture and so slowing down and, um, be mindful and aware. And, um, just having that, that sort of gratitude feeling and, and people. Sort of flippantly say, oh yes, the attitude of gratitude. And, and yes, I do that. I’m mindful.

I journal my, my things I’m thankful for. So, but if you are journaling as a checkbox on your never ending to-do list to get through, that’s not being mindful. Being mindful is. You know what nothing really matters right now. I’m gonna unplug from all things. I’m gonna turn off the news. I am going to go spend time out in the yard, um, and look for worms for no other reason, except for my four year old wants to look for worms and nothing.

Nothing is more important right here and right than looking for worms. And, and just trusting, just trusting that all of the other stuff that you’re worried about is gonna happen in due time.

Roxanne: Mm I’m inspired by this idea that you’ve just put into our brains. Stephanie, I wanna know. What does success look like to you personally?

[00:12:47] What does Success look like?

Stephanie O’Dea: I think. Good kids happy, healthy, ethical, moral people.

Roxanne: It’s a big deal, right? it’s a rare

Stephanie O’Dea: I mean, all, all that’s said and done, none of, none of the, like, like trappings of success matter if, um, I didn’t model create, uh, correct behavior for my kids. I, I want them. To grow up knowing that they were loved unconditionally. Um, not for whether or not they got this trophy or that trophy or got this scholarship or that one, but absolutely unconditionally, um, flaws and all wart and all mistakes and all, um, life is not pin trust in any way.

Roxanne: no. I love that expression of success. That’s beautiful. Can we shift gears for just a little bit and talk about being a parent on this entrepreneur journey of yours. So you started this journey. I mean, clearly like your journey was born from parenthood, from an experience of parenthood. When your daughter, you said she was two, when this all started.

Stephanie O’Dea: Yeah, months 22 months. Mm-hmm

Roxanne: So how has this journey changed you as a person? So I I’m, I’m really, I wanna dive in and see, like, how has it changed? Not necessarily your business, not necessarily your family, but you individually.

[00:14:12] How has this journey changed you?

Stephanie O’Dea: Um, I think in the beginning when I was. Working really hard. And I needed to prove to myself and to my husband that I could build this business from scratch. And I actually built it with no many down, um, I didn’t even buy the 9 99 a year GoDaddy domain name. I had a free blog spot URL. So the original URL was crockpot 360. Blog

And, um, my photos are horrible, um, none of it, of it. It it’s so funny. Is it worked really well then? Cuz I was authentic and I was a real person. I don’t know how that would fly now. Um but um, I, I remember and, and I’m, I’m disappointed in, uh, in 32 year old Steph that I know I had a toddler and a kindergartner and um, I know, I spent probably too much time in front of the computer in the beginning and I sort of shoved them aside.

Um, thankfully this was actually before smartphones I didn’t have an iPhone for, for quite a few years. Um, so it was an actual computer and, and it was a desktop. It wasn’t even a laptop. So I know I’m like, oh, you’re fine. You’re fine. You’re fine. I, I know that of myself and I know as moms. We do that. Um, and so now I’m really aware and I’m kind of judgey of how I used to be, but I think the difference is the awareness.

um, and I wouldn’t judge another mom right now, when you are trying to get your business growing, um, it takes a lot of time. Um, you have to feed and water and nurture and fertilize it, um, much like the babies in your life, much like, yeah. So, um, I think just, just having the, the conscious awareness. And so now I’m very aware and we’re talking right now and it’s mid afternoon in my house and I’ve got everybody’s downstairs.

I’m filming this in my bedroom because my husband is working from home downstairs and the three kids are here and the puppy, um, which takes up a lot of time. And so the, the. Adaptability of having your own business and knowing that I can create something from the corner of my bedroom with you in Utah, uh, is, is amazing and phenomenal.

Um, what having your own business can do though, is really encroach upon. Boundaries. And if you haven’t placed boundaries for yourself and for your family, um, bad things can happen. and, um, and, and I now know that because I’ve been doing this for 13 years and people I looked up to in the blogging community and online community went through divorce, um, or filed for bankruptcy because they overspent and they, they didn’t.

They counted on things, always being as lucrative as they were right then and there. And I have, um, a frugality mindset. I’m very frugal. And so we always looked at the income that I was making as, um, bonus money. And so it was a shoveled aside into different retirement accounts and college accounts for the kids.

And we’ve always found a way to live one income. And, um, and that would be my best advice is, is don’t count on chickens. If you, um, if you do have a day job, don’t quit it sporadically. Uh, the way I did, um, I actually now, um, went back to work after, um, 13, actually, it was 12 years of working for myself and it was because is, um, The site had been built on SEO.

And so at the height, I was making a thousand dollars a day in ad revenue. Um, but then the Kardashians in, in Instagram and all of this stuff and Gwyneth Paltrow site. And so why would Coca-Cola pay to advertise on my, when they. Pay to advertise on, on those ad on those websites. So, um, so it’s just being aware of the market and the fluctuations, and also the fact that now I have a day job, um, it actually opened up my creativity again, because the finances are gonna be fine.

I, I need to be. Um, a commodity as much as a real person anymore. And so I like that. I, I like that. I can go back to just being crazy crockpot lady Steph and not feel like I have to be this glossified brand image that never felt right to me. I, um, I, I, um, I really a real person

Roxanne: Yeah.

Stephanie O’Dea: and, and I, and I don’t, I don’t like that false brand image.

I’ve I’ve been around. Women who, um, are one way in front of the camera or on Instagram. And they’re not that way in real life. And, um, and while I think you can get a, a shot of success in that way, I’m definitely playing the, the long tail approach. I want to build something that I’m proud of, that my kids are proud of that, um, uh, is long term and sustainable.

Roxanne: I am inspired by this so much. Stephanie, I wanna go back to something you said about boundaries. So you mentioned kind of enforcing those boundaries and I’m curious. I mean, if, if you’re anything like me, then you’ve learned that by trial and error.

Stephanie O’Dea: Oh, yes.

Roxanne: right. I feel like we all have to learn this by trial and error, but will you tell us a little bit more about.

Kind of what that boundary started to look like. I mean, cuz you kind of described, you know, having a toddler and a, a child in kindergarten and, and kind of pushing ’em away a little bit as you worked. And, and I, I, I wanna unpack a little bit of that as well and see if there was any guilt associated with that and kind of what you did about that, which kind of ties into this boundary question as well as like what boundary did you end up establishing that were helpful for you?

[00:20:41] Let’s talk about boundaries

Stephanie O’Dea: Yeah, well, I think guilt and motherhood go hand in hand. So I don’t think you can ever. Escape that you can do the right things or the correct things that you can. I think that this is audio. You can’t see my air but I’m doing correct.

Roxanne: Yep.

Stephanie O’Dea: yeah. All of the gurus, all of the self-help authors, um, None of it really matters at the end of the day, because you have to do what is right for you.

So my personal boundaries are, we don’t do phones in the kitchen. Um, we just don’t and, and the way our house is set up is, um, we’ve got this kind of kitchen bar island E thing, and that’s where we eat. And there’s no phones there. Um, Again, I got started before phones

Roxanne: right? Yeah.

Stephanie O’Dea: even

Roxanne: probably a trial and error

Stephanie O’Dea: Yeah. Yeah. But what’s, what’s interesting is, um, I have teenagers and they have always modeled my behavior and my husband’s behavior and we don’t mindlessly scroll.

When we are, um, at a restaurant, the phones are down and we’re actually talking to each other. It’s always fascinating to me when I wander off to a restroom at like the cracker barrel. And there’s this family and they’re all in a booth, but they’re all looking at their phone

Roxanne: phones. Yep.

Stephanie O’Dea: and I’m like, what is going here?

So, so I. We’ve always consciously made the effort to talk to the humans

Roxanne: Yes.

Stephanie O’Dea: versus the phony people in the phone. Um, same with the movie theater. Um, we, we are talking to each other before the movie starts, um, on car trips. Um, We actually, uh, listen to the radio and sing to eighties musics together. We’re not all, we’re not all headphones and plugged into our own devices, so it’s very kinda old school.

Um, but I’ve wanted these kids for a long time. Like I be, it sounds so maybe backwards feminist, but I wanted to be a stay at home. Mom. I want this life and I wanted these. People and, um, and so I’m so happy to have time with them, um, before they leave me

Roxanne: Yeah, I wanna interject for just a quick second and say, you said that’s backward feminist, but I think it’s really, really important that, that we, we address that, that I think if that’s what you want, that’s feminism, right? Like it’s feminism is choosing what you want. It’s not having somebody else tell you what you’re supposed to want.

And so if that’s what you wanted that’s good. And so I think that that’s, I

Stephanie O’Dea: there you go. I live

Roxanne: that a little bit. Cause I feel really strongly about that. Yeah. I feel really, really strongly that like that’s choosing to have kids is awesome and there’s so much strength in motherhood and there’s so much strength in making that decision.

That if that is what you wanna do, awesome. That’s still a feminist choice. If that’s what you’re choosing to do by listening to yourself, it’s when you’re told that that’s what you have to do and that’s what you’re choosing. And cuz somebody else is telling you. That, that becomes a problem. And so I just wanted to address that, cuz like I said, that’s like one of those things I got on my soapbox about and I was like, Nope, we gotta, we gotta tackle that one real quick.

Stephanie O’Dea: No,

Roxanne: having kids is the best.

Stephanie O’Dea: um, so, so it’s really interesting. And I don’t know if it’s because of where we live. Um, I am perfectly happy to be defined by my motherhood. And, um, and I usually don’t tell anybody what I do in real life, um, uh, when I meet them. And so it’s, so it’s, it’s fascinating, um, like going to different work events and things with my husband, um, There’s always a qualifier of, well, what do you do for work?

Well, well, how do you make money? And even when I was running the websites and, and I was making an awful lot more money than I do working in a school setting right now, um, people were, well, how do you make money from that? And, and so it’s, it’s fascinating how you are, um, You’re judged and, and you’re pigeonholed depending on whether or not you’re bringing, um, finances to the table.

And what’s really interesting is when it’s, and, and I said this a little while ago to you, but when it’s all said and done raising happy, healthy, ethical, moral humans who are gonna go out in the world, um, and. And be productive members of society, not like live in my basement for 30 years. means so much more to me.

Um, and, and now that my kids are older and I’ve been friends with women in different stages of their life, I’ve seen how, if you don’t put in the effort at the young age, um, to, to really kind of mold. The, the type of future adults you want it it’ll come back to, to bite you. And so I, I do, I spend a lot of time thinking, no, no, no.

We’re creating future capable adults. I’m gonna get off the couch right now and be like, no, no, no, you need to clean up these Cheerio crumbs. Nice try. There’s no maid who’s gonna swoop in and do this for you. Let’s go.

Roxanne: Yes. Yes. That’s but it’s such, again, it comes back to that like conscious decisions, right. And it’s ties into that idea of boundaries of really setting those clear boundaries and, and making a conscious decision about them. So I, I love this example that you’ve given us of multiple ways that you’ve done that.

So thank you for that.

Stephanie O’Dea: so I, I will share one thing, um, that might be beneficial to, to some of your listeners is I get up 

and it, and

Roxanne: okay. Wait, hold on.

Stephanie O’Dea: Yes.

Roxanne: What time? What time do you go to bed?

Stephanie O’Dea: Oh, so I’m upstairs every night by eight 30.

Roxanne: Okay.

Stephanie O’Dea: So

Roxanne: I feel like we talk about getting up early, but we never talk about what time you’re actually going to bed. So you’re upstairs by 8:30. Get up at 4

Stephanie O’Dea: Yeah, and, and probably, and probably lights out 9:30. 

Roxanne: Okay. 

Okay, so I had to back up. So you get up at 4:00 AM then?

Stephanie O’Dea: I do get up at 4:00 AM. Um, and that’s because it’s the only time all to myself and I’m not responsible for anybody

Roxanne: Yes.

Stephanie O’Dea: except for myself. And, um, especially in a work day, it’s how I can get in the, um, the slow living and slow cooking writing, um, that I need, need to do to, to keep the websites up and running and my email lists and, and the women that I work with.

Um, fed and nurtured because I, I don’t log into any of the, the, my own stuff from my, my day job. Um, I’m assuming I’m being watched all the time.

Roxanne: that’s a fair assumption.

Stephanie O’Dea: so, so I get a, about four it’s me and my crockpot and my journal and not, oh, I had crock pot it’s me and my coffee pot. Excuse me.

Roxanne: Oh, yes.

Stephanie O’Dea: It’s

Roxanne: Well, I mean, it would be fine if it was your crockpot too. I would understand that

Stephanie O’Dea: and, um, and then my husband gets up around five and he joins me in the kitchen and then the kids start waking up six, between 6, 6 30.

They start waking up the, the puppy gets up at seven. So I need to have in the amount of time that I need to, um, in order to, to feel productive and kind of map my day out.

Roxanne: Mm-hmm . Have you always been an early riser or did you have to train yourself to be one?

Stephanie O’Dea: Uh, a little bit of both. I think my, my natural clock is an early riser, I think, um, especially when I was, um, working for myself and the kids were a little older and I didn’t feel, um, like I had. To get up early. I didn’t, and I I’ll be like, eh, I’ll just sleep in and I’ll wake up when they get up and that kind of stuff.

But I felt, um, a little behind all the time and I don’t like that feeling. I prefer to, um, kind of take care of the things that I wanna take care of and get showering and, and set up my day. Before tending to them. Otherwise I was more of a firefighter and oh, you need breakfast. Oh, you need this permission slip signed.

Oh, you need this. And, and so this way I was taking care of my own needs first. So really, um, it kind of goes down to like, uh, pay yourself first, which is of course financial advice. But I, but I pay my myself first in, in time.

Roxanne: Mm,

Stephanie O’Dea: that way.

Roxanne: you’re speaking to the part of me that I know needs to be better right now. and I’m like, okay. You’re, you’re like telling, describing my current life situation of putting out fires and thinking I’m thinking, okay. I, I used to get up really early as well. I stopped doing it during the pandemic and I’m, um, you’re inspiring me to get back into it.

This is, which is really good. Um, you are, you are just.

Stephanie O’Dea: Your accountability partner.

Roxanne: Yeah, I’ll take it. I’ll take it. Stephanie. I would love for you to give us a pep talk for other parents who are on this entrepreneur journey.

[00:29:45] Pep Talk!

Stephanie O’Dea: Okay. Um, first of all, You absolutely can do it and you don’t need to follow stupid advice made up by stupid 20 year old businessmen bros. Um, there are so many shiny bouncy balls on the internet and they are not written for you. Just tune ’em out. Stop signing up for email lists. Stop downloading PDFs.

You already know enough. Go quiet. Go within listen to your intuition. Your market is what you want to write and talk about and, and that’s exactly what it is. So, spending. I don’t know, weeks, months, years trying to define your niche. Stop, stop it. You are your niche. It’s fine. Right, Write to yourself.

Write what you want to learn and read about. I started the crockpot site because I was Googling chicken crockpot recipes. I was interested in it. I was already researching it. So what are you already interested in and what are you already researching? If you’re finding that you constantly are Googling

how to intermittent fast when you’re in your forties, that’s what you’re interested in. So just start writing about it and help and teach others because wherever you are, there was an earlier version of you. That’s somebody else who just wants to learn fine. You do the research for me. I will, I will follow along, but, but I, I really.

It, it sounds kind of tongue and cheek, but there are so many internet boys on the internet that don’t know moms and women and, and what it’s like. And a lot of the stuff that I’ve written about, especially when it comes to time management for moms, it came from this necessity because I was reading Brian Tracy.

I was reading Dale Carnegie. I was reading all of this stuff, which is great in theory, but it doesn’t apply to moms, because if you’re up in the middle of the night, cuz somebody wet the bed or vomited, or you’ve got a bloody nose, all of a sudden, it doesn’t matter. So I’m talking to you. But if my kid came in right now with.

Roxanne: It would be, and I would fully expect that. Yes Yeah. It’s so true. Thank you. Thank you, Stephanie. Wow. That’s you? I mean, I said it once already, but you’re, you’re speaking to my heart so deeply. So thank you for that. We need more of you. Where can we find you online?

Stephanie O’Dea: So, um, O’Dea is spelled O-D-E-A. So my home URL is, which is And I do, um, I’m running master classes for, for women, for moms, and it does feed it into a paid, um, program. So I’m being upfront and honest. That is absolutely how, how I do make money is by, is by coaching and mentoring.

But, um, the masterclass is free. And so that’s, um,, all one word. And that is, um, They’re time management, tips and tricks. Um, and they’re geared primarily towards moms. I do have people on my list who aren’t moms, um, but I sort of come from a, a mom and caregiver heart. And so I think, um, all of those tips and tricks, resonate most closely to those who, who kinda self-identify that way for.

Roxanne: Awesome. And we’ll make sure that we link everything in the show notes as well. Stephanie, you have inspired me and I’m positive. You’ve inspired those listening as well. Thank you for the gift of your time today. Thank you for your wisdom and your experience and all of the messages that you’ve shared with us today.

I’m just so, so grateful to you. Thank you.

Stephanie O’Dea: Absolutely. Thank you.


Roxanne: Thanks for listening to Reimagining Hustle with Roxanne Merket. If you like the show and want more, check out and please leave a review wherever you get your podcasts. We’ll be back next week with another episode. See you soon.