Don’t Give Up – Reimagining Hustle with Renae O’Neill

My big takeaway:

Don’t give up. Pivot if you need to, but don’t give up.

Renae O’Neill is a Mum of 2, podcast host of The Mum Boss Podcast and a Life + Business Coach for Mums, helping them be a present Mum whilst also having a successful business … because you can have both. 

Her mission is to help as many Mums create a life + business they love and are lit up by. 

In this episode, we chat about not giving up, being present where you are, and taking back ownership of your time. 

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Show Notes:

[00:00:00] Roxanne Merket: Podcasting from my closet in Northern Japan. This is Reimagining Hustle, a podcast for entrepreneurial parents, creating a life where business and parenthood live peacefully in the same space. I’m your host Roxanne Merket, a mom of two micro-business coach and serial entrepreneur on a journey to prove that it is possible to do what you love without sacrificing all your precious time.

[00:00:31] Let’s do this.

[00:00:34] Welcome back to Reimagining Hustle. I am already thrilled to have our guest today.

[00:00:38] I have Renae O’Neill with me. Renae, how you doing?

[00:00:42] Renae O’Neill: Hello. I’m so honored to be here. Thank you so much for having me.

[00:00:45] Roxanne Merket: my word. We, I, I’m already like so excited to have this conversation because you and I are in really similar worlds, and so this is gonna be really fun. Will you tell us about you, tell us about the work you do and also a little bit of your journey to get there.

[00:00:59] Renae O’Neill: Yeah, so obviously I’m Renae O’Neill, and I think it’s one of those things where we often go into our titles first. It’s like. Who am I? Okay, well, I’m a wife, I’m a mom of two. And then it’s like I’m a life and business coach for moms. But it’s like there’s so much more to me than those things as well. And so it’s sort of, it’s always an interesting thing when I hear people like, tell me about yourself.

[00:01:21] It’s just, we go straight to like the roles we play, and I always find that very interesting. But I guess that is a huge part of my life, you know? Being a mom, um, the fact that I’m a coach and I work with moms, so very mom orientated. Um, but I’m really passionate about what I do in my business because, you know, our, our mission actually aligns, which is why I’m so excited to be on here talking to you is, is, you know, really creating.

[00:01:49] Creating a life that you love and having your business be something that you can have that allows you to live the life that you’re wanting to live. You know, and I’m really big on that too, of just, you know, creating a business that suits your life and lifestyle rather than your life having to mold around your business.

[00:02:09] So I’m very excited to be here because, you know, we share that same passion. So it’s exciting, but, um, it’s been quite the journey to get here. I’m gonna be honest. I mean, I think everyone’s journey is full of road bumps and detours and all the things, but, um, I think for me, I’ll be honest, COVID was a pivotal moment for me, and I know that that’s something that a lot of listeners are probably going to resonate with.

[00:02:37] I’ll be like, yes, me too. Um, so for the past, um, 11 and a half years up until the sort of Covid point I was working part-time in my local hospital and I’d been there obviously a long time and I’d always had my business sort of as my side hustle, I suppose you’d call it. So I was doing the, the job I had, the business and the kids of course.

[00:03:00] So juggling all the things. And when Covid hit, obviously being that it was a health pandemic and I was working in a hospital that threw a lot of things my way and I really just stopped and was like . It was that point where I analyzed everything and thought, what am I doing? Like I don’t want to be here. And I’d known that for a long time.

[00:03:23] You know, my business, I was wanting it to get to this per certain. Um, stage in business, and then I was gonna be like, okay, yep, now’s the time to pull the plug. But I analyzed it and I was like, this is just not where I wanna be. And so, very quickly created an exit plan and exited out of there and went full-time in my business.

[00:03:42] So, yeah, it’s, it’s been a journey.

[00:03:45] Roxanne Merket: Yeah. Wow. That’s, it’s like having this safety net that also all of a sudden becomes this threat, like this physical threat to your health.

[00:03:53] Renae O’Neill: Mm.

[00:03:54] Roxanne Merket: Was that terrifying to just pull the plug like that?

[00:03:59] Renae O’Neill: Yes. Um, you know, it’s, it’s one of those things like, I’m not gonna sugarcoat it or make it sound like it was this easy, blissful thing, and I skipped away happily and was like, okay. It was so scary because, you know, I think I really had an identity around being somebody that had this job. Like it, you know, I am somebody who works in a hospital and I have this good, steady income, and I think I had a lot of my identity wrapped up in it, which that created, you know, some struggles to leave it behind.

[00:04:31] But then it’s also, you know, growing up in particular, I was told, you know, you go to school, you get a good job, you know, then you’ve got that good job and income, that security that’s, you know, Supports you. So for me to then break away from that, go against the grain, go against what I have been, you know, instilled in me to do, was so terrifying.

[00:04:57] And I have had no one in my life that has done that. You know, no one in my family has had a business before, so I was doing something so different to so many people around me that, I’ll be honest, I had a lot of people say to me, what are you doing? We are in the middle of a potential recession. You’re about to leave a steady income, you know, what are you doing?

[00:05:21] And I have to be very grateful and thankful for my husband, who is my biggest supporter and cheerleader. I dunno what I’d do without him because he was on my side the whole time. But, you know, it was extremely scary. And you know, I know what it’s like to take that jump. And even though as terrifying as it is and scary as it is, it was the best decision of my life.

[00:05:44] And I, I honestly think that when my days are over and I’m reflecting on my life, I’ll still maintain that. That was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my whole life because I feel like in leaving that job behind, going all in on myself, I found myself through the process too. Like I had to uncover so many things and work through so much of my baggage and my limiting beliefs to get to this point.

[00:06:08] So yeah, it was scary, but my only regret is honestly, I wish I did it sooner. I dunno why I waited so long.

[00:06:16] Roxanne Merket: Yeah, you had to have that, like, that trigger though. I feel like that the, the metaphorical straw to break the camel’s back. Right.

[00:06:23] Renae O’Neill: Yeah.

[00:06:24] Roxanne Merket: But it’s so interesting too that you talk about essentially this identity crisis, right? Like it’s not just this financial huge shift, right? Which is, I feel like when we talk about leaving a job to really go all in on a, on a side hustle as it were, we think like I feel like instantly our minds go to that financial point of it, but there really is this huge, huge identity piece to it.

[00:06:48] How did you rediscover yourself in all of that.

[00:06:52] How did you rediscover yourself?

[00:06:52] Renae O’Neill: I think for me it. . I mean, I, we sort of touched on it in the beginning when I shared about like, who am I? It’s

[00:06:59] Roxanne Merket: Yeah.

[00:07:00] Renae O’Neill: I thought to myself, okay, without this job, who am I? And I had to really look at that and think about that and was like, you know, I’m, I’m this kind person. I’m a loyal friend. And like look at all the other things that I am outside of that job.

[00:07:17] And I think when we have a job, it is so much of our lives. That it, it becomes this big part of ourselves, but we forget that we are not that role or we are not that career that we have. We are still, you know, I’m still Renae at, at my core. And so it was just getting back to like, who am I? And then, you know, for me, obviously in leaving that employment, I had the actual physical space to start really allowing myself the time and space to, to just be and get back to doing the things I loved and enjoyed again, and like it was through doing these things that I kind of just found who I was again. Um, But it, it was a bit of a struggle and it was like a, a step-by-step peeling back layers and, you know, it was daunting to beginning.

[00:08:08] Like, I re I’ll never forget I was somewhere and I was introduced to someone and they asked me, you know, what do you do? And it was the first time I ever had to not mention my job. It was like, I don’t have that anymore. And I was like, oh my gosh, this is so scary. So it’s like all these little things that had come about that made me really just stop and be like, yeah, who am I?

[00:08:30] Um, so it, it’s, it’s just an interesting thing I think when you step out of a role, um, and that identity you’d formed in being in that role and just come back to. Who am I? What do I love and enjoy? What are the things that light me up? What are the things that I value? And just coming back to all of those things and just really sitting down and spending time thinking about those things, you know?

[00:08:55] And, and, and then in through doing actions of doing things, you just find out who you really are again. And yeah, I’ve, I’ve come to re love Renae again.

[00:09:07] Roxanne Merket: Oh, that makes me so happy. So, so what kind of things does Renae outside of business do? What’s, what makes you, you,

[00:09:15] Renae O’Neill: It’s, it’s, that’s a really good question. It’s, I think it’s just all of my values wrapped up. It’s like, you know, I’m, I’m big on connection. Like, connection is so important to me. You know, it’s even things like what we’re doing here, you know, I’m connecting with you and your audience and you know, it’s just, coming back to all the things that I loved and enjoyed, and even things like, you know, when I was a kid I used to love to sing and dance.

[00:09:41] So it was, it’s like even just making time and space for doing things that I used to love and enjoy that I didn’t have time for anymore, or I don’t know, you just slowly, I think as you, as you get older and you transition from like childhood into adulthood and you know, then you go through life and become a mom and do all these things.

[00:10:00] You have so much less time that you just slowly lose little parts of yourself along the way. And so sort of picking up all them pieces again and bringing them back together. So like, you know, if you, I mean you can’t really come past my house cause I live in a, you know, paddocks and things. But you know, if you were to look in my lounge room window, you’d probably see me dancing around, singing, acting like a total kid.

[00:10:20] Um, and it’s just, I think it’s just the playfulness, um, is something that I’ve definitely found again. Um, and yeah, it’s, it’s something that I, I love and enjoy having back as a part of me again.

[00:10:34] Roxanne Merket: Yes. Oh, I love it. I love it. So, okay, so I wanna ask you a question about the word success then. So I feel like you really kind of have hit on these ideas, right, of when you were working at the hospital, when you were essentially like following that checklist, that cultural or societal expectations gave to you.

[00:10:51] And now you’ve made this huge shift and you’ve found more joy, more of yourself in life. What does success look like to you?

[00:11:00] What does success look like?

[00:11:00] Renae O’Neill: Mm, that’s so that’s really interesting because I think what my original definition of success is, and what I now think it is, are very different. You know, I. I thought that, and it, it played out in me leaving my job because I was like, I have to be earning this amount of money consistently and then I can leave the job because in my eyes I deem success being a certain figure, you know, earning a certain figure.

[00:11:27] and my definition of success now is very different to me. Being successful means that you are taking action. You know, you are stepping outside your comfort zone and you are doing the things you know. It means that you are chasing that goal and dream that you are wanting to chase. It means that you are.

[00:11:47] Really living life, like really getting in and being a part of it and taking the action. And, and I mean, a part of that is not playing it safe, it’s, it’s doing the big bold moves and, um, , it’s also creating the impact that you’re wanting to create. You know, it is, success just is very different to how I thought it would be.

[00:12:07] And of course like you know, there, there can be financial success, but I don’t, I think my original thought of success was the monetary side of it, but to me, I see success in a whole nother light now where it’s like, I am successful as I am today because I have achieved what I have and it’s led me to this point and you know, just I think.

[00:12:30] One thing that I’ve done that’s helped sort of really solidify that I am successful now and who I am and what I’m doing is keeping an evidence log. So every time I have a small win, a big win, I am writing it down and it’s small win. Could be, I got another subscriber to my podcast, it could be. I had another follower on social media, just one.

[00:12:54] You know, it can be small things, but it can also be the big things. You know, I get to be on this amazing podcast talking to you today. You know, I’ve just signed a new client, and so creating a, a log of evidence that supports that you are successful. You know, I did the scary, bold move of creating a, you know, group coaching program and I had people signing up like, you know, it’s just this opportunity to reflect, which is always nice, but it just, it’s this proof of you are successful and you’re doing it and you know, that just helps you, I guess, you know, it’s another identity thing, isn’t it?

[00:13:31] It’s your identity is, I am successful and, um, I think that’s really powerful and it has such a blow on effect as well.

[00:13:40] Roxanne Merket: What a brilliant idea to like actually take not just like a mental note, but an actual note of, of logging that those every little nugget of success. It reminds me actually something I had a therapist tell me a couple of years ago when, when my brain kind of would tell myself stories of like, oh, well I think this is happening or this is happening.

[00:14:02] And she would say, okay, what does the evidence suggest? And she would force me to pause and look at the evidence. Right? And that’s exactly what you’ve just described. But with success in business or even just in life, what a, what a brilliant idea. Where do you keep your log? Can I ask?

[00:14:17] Renae O’Neill: Yeah, so I actually have mine, I use Trello as my project management tool, so that’s also linked to my phone. So if I’m out somewhere and I have a realization, doesn’t even have to be like these obvious things. It could just be I’ve realized something like a limiting belief I’ve had and I’m about to start working through that.

[00:14:37] I’ll just pop it in my phone or, you know, even if it’s just a piece of paper, it doesn’t really matter. But I’m a digital person and I like to have things close by so I can just quickly do them. But, um, yeah, it’s, it’s just, that has been really helpful and I think it is always, It’s always good to just prove to yourself that you are doing, you know the thing, you are successful as you are and, and you can build upon that.

[00:15:03] Roxanne Merket: Oh, I am inspired by this idea. I think I’m gonna have to start doing this one. I l I love that. I love that idea. All right, so you’re a, a mom as well. Tell us, you have two kids, is that right?

[00:15:13] Renae O’Neill: Yes, yes. So I have a six year old and an almost 10 year old, which honestly, that’s starting to freak me out a little bit. I, I realized that the other day. I was like, she’s 10 soon. And then I was like, I’ve been a mom for 10 years. How has this happened?

[00:15:30] Roxanne Merket: My oldest turned 10 this summer, and I went through the same thing, like what happened? How has a decade gone by of this? So I feel that. I feel that. How has being a parent. during this journey of yours changed you as a person?

[00:15:47] How has being a parent changed YOU?

[00:15:47] Renae O’Neill: Oh, massively . I only said that to my husband recently. You know, we’ve been together, um, uh, 14 years and I said to him, I’m such a different person from when you met me to who I am today in, I feel like at my core, I’m not, you know, those values that we touched on before, they’ve, they’ve not really shifted.

[00:16:09] They’ve always remained the same, but. As a person, I’m just so different. Like I feel like when I became a mom nearly 10 years ago, um, I feel like motherhood cracked me open. You know, I feel like I really stepped into, I guess, you know, all these big things that occur in your life, do they crack you open and they make you assess things and you, you change and you grow and you evolve.

[00:16:33] But I think when I became a mom, everything shifted because all of a sudden it’s not about me anymore. You know, I have this little person that relies on me for everything. Literally , um, and everything didn’t just become about me. It become about her. And you know, my whole reason for being and everything just I think becomes so much clearer.

[00:16:56] And I think in business in particular, it’s like, , I know what’s important and I know how valuable my time is. In particular, I think, um, time is a big thing. I don’t want to take time away from my family. I want my family to always be my priority. Um, and I think sometimes we can get caught in. I think we can get caught in feeling like we have less time because we’re a mom for our business, whereas I like to reframe that and be like, you.

[00:17:26] I get to use the pockets of time that I want to in my business, and I make it worth it. I make use of every minute of my time in my business because my time is so valuable. And so I feel like in business it’s a bit of a superpower because I’m so productive in my business. You know, I have, you know, an hour of my time.

[00:17:46] I will get stuff done in that hour because I’m like, I just need to get that done because I want to, you know, go back and do things with the kids. And it’s just, it’s been interesting, I think business as a mom, because I just know it looks so different to other people who have businesses who don’t have the, the juggle of the kids at the moment.

[00:18:07] Um, and it’s not to say that there’s a right way or a wrong way, you know, you do. You. But, um, It just looks different. I think business, when you’re a mom, and especially when you’ve got younger kids, I mean, mine are at school now, so I’ve got that amazing flexibility of while they’re at school, I can run my business.

[00:18:23] But it wasn’t always the case. It, it didn’t always look like that. I did have a little one, you know, crawling around at one point while I was doing my business. So it’s just been, it’s just been interesting, but I definitely think it’s a superpower to, to be a mom in business.

[00:18:37] Roxanne Merket: Hmm. I, it’s a hot take and I love it. I’m absolutely here for it. Do you ever experience guilt around living in both of these worlds of parenting and entrepreneurship at the same time.

[00:18:48] What about guilt?

[00:18:48] Renae O’Neill: Oh gosh, yes. I feel like mom guilt is a big thing and I think it can, it can really hold you back. because you can easily be, you know, you’re spending time with your kids and you are thinking about your business, so your mind’s on, on the business, but you are physically there with your children. And then vice versa, you can be in your business, but your mind’s thinking about your kids and worrying about your kids and all the things.

[00:19:12] So it’s definitely there, and honestly, I don’t think it will ever fully go away. Because I think when you’re a mom, you love your children so much. You want the best for them, that you are always going to be doubting yourself along the way and and things. So I think mom guilt’s sort of always there, but I think it can be managed and how I manage that is creating really good boundaries and being really present when I’m in my certain role.

[00:19:42] You know, when I’m with the kids, like, you know, three o’clock comes, I’ll pick them up from school and I will be with them and in my mum role until s you know, 7:30 PM when they go to bed. And during that time, I’m strict on no work. So I will not be on social media responding to people. I will not be talking to clients.

[00:20:03] I will not be recording podcasts, you know, doing those things so I can be really present with the kids. And it does take practice. I mean, there’s no light switch moment where it’s like, okay, I’m not gonna have mom guilt anymore because I’m just gonna be really present with the kids. But it’s a practicing and bit by bit you’ll feel better about that.

[00:20:21] And it’s the same as when I’m in my business. because I have these very structured moments of, now I’m in my business, now I’m with my kids and I make, when I’m with my kids really quality time. I tend to feel a lot less mom guilt than I once did because I feel like my kids are getting what they need.

[00:20:40] I’m, I’m feeling fulfilled in what I’m doing in my business, but also as a mom, I’m like, I’m getting this quality time with them. So it’s, it doesn’t feel like it’s, it’s such a strong part of. What I experienced anymore, but that’s not to say that I didn’t experience, you know, a lot back in the day of juggling everything.

[00:20:59] Roxanne Merket: Sure. It’s like trying to find that balance and that, and, and figure out those boundaries for yourself. It’s interesting too, I, you talk about, you know, the quality time. I feel like when I first became a mother, it was this idea of like, well, I’m with my kids all the time. It has to be nonstop quality time.

[00:21:14] And, and the longer I’ve been a mom, the more I’m like, you know, a little bit of quality time goes a long way.

[00:21:21] Renae O’Neill: ah, I’m huge on that because I think you’ve, you exactly what you just said there. It’s, it’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. And, you know, 15 minutes, one-on-one with your child makes such a difference. You can be sitting, you can be with your children for a whole entire day and actually not be spending a whole lot of time with them.

[00:21:45] and that’s very different too. You, you might be a working mom who’s running the business and doing all the things and you don’t have a lot of free time. And I, I truly do understand that that was me at one point. Um, so it could just be that, like something that I do with my kids is of an evening. I’ve only got the two, but I will spend half an hour with each one of them on their own.

[00:22:06] So before bed, they each get half an hour of my dedicated one-on-one.

[00:22:11] Roxanne Merket: Mm.

[00:22:11] Renae O’Neill: and they get to choose what we do. It might be they want to read a certain book, play a certain game, just sit and chat, whatever it might be. But you know, I know. Even on those busy days where I don’t have a lot of time, I know that I’ll still get that one-on-one time with them at the end of the day where we can just be together.

[00:22:29] But yeah, it’s, it’s definitely a quality over quantity and there’s no right or wrong, and I don’t, I think that’s something to think about as well. It’s like there’s no right way or wrong way. It’s just do the best with what you’ve got, with how you can, and. . You know, when you are with your kids, do your best to, to be with them in those moments, but definitely don’t feel that you need to be spending every waking moment with them, because that would be so overwhelming.

[00:22:55] Roxanne Merket: Yeah. It really would be. It, it, oh, really? Would be. I love that idea too, of, of having that dedicated time with them. What a great practice to instill. That’s

[00:23:05] Renae O’Neill: Mm-hmm.

[00:23:05] Roxanne Merket: Renae, what do you wish people knew about being a parent and an entrepreneur simultaneously? Like, if you could just like sit them down and be like, ah, I just wish I could like, knock this into your head.

[00:23:16] What would you tell them?

[00:23:18] What do you wish people knew?

[00:23:18] Renae O’Neill: Oh my gosh. I feel like there’s so many things

[00:23:20] Roxanne Merket: Right. I know I.

[00:23:22] Renae O’Neill: I think one thing that I’ve come across and I, I’ve had experience with lately with some of my clients is feeling like they wanna give up in business because it all becomes too hard. . Um, and I know that when you have a business, you go through moments where you feel like, what am I doing?

[00:23:38] Like I should just throw in the towel now because it can feel like a lot. And I think when you are a, a parent, even more so because you, you’ve just got a lot on your plate. Um, but I think it is so important to make sure that you are feeling fulfilled in your desires as well. And so quite often, , you know, having our business does fulfill us.

[00:24:01] You know, it’s something that we are passionate about and we enjoy and we feel really lit up by. And I think it’s such, such a great example for our children as well. Like, you know, our kids are watching our every move. They are looking up to us. And so for us to show our kids, you know what, I can create something for myself and you know, I can create an impact and you know, I feel fulfilled in what I’m doing and.

[00:24:26] I think it’s so inspiring for kids to be able to watch and see. Um, and so I think my biggest thing is just please don’t give up. Like I know that there’s gonna be hard days, and I know there are gonna be days where you’re like, this is just all too much. But you know, the, the, the reason you wanted to start your business at some point is still probably there.

[00:24:48] And it is. It’s calling you for a reason. There’s a reason why you felt like you wanted to start this particular business or have this business. And so I think connecting back to your why and your reasons of starting is, is something to always anchor into in those moments where you wanna give up.

[00:25:05] Because it will happen. It’s probably happened numerous times, . Um, but I think just don’t give up and know that it, it, it really is possible to, to be a present parent. And also have a successful different, uh, business. Um, I just think it, it looks different compared to the season of life that you’re in. And I think one thing that motherhood has definitely taught me is surrender.

[00:25:31] You know, just surrendering into the season that you’re in. You know, when my kids were really, really little, my business was something. , you know, I couldn’t physically put a lot of time and energy and effort into, um, and so just looking at the season of life that you’re in and, you know, doing what you can with what you’ve got, but you can definitely do it and don’t give up is my, is my thing that I’d love for people to take away is, is just please don’t give up.

[00:25:57] Pivot. You know, change directions, take a break even, but don’t give up because there’s a reason that you’ve been called to, to do whatever it is that you’re doing in.

[00:26:08] Roxanne Merket: Hmm. You know what’s funny, Renae, is that in a few minutes I’m gonna ask you for a pep talk, but I feel like that was the pep talk that I needed today, and I appreciate that so much. Oh, Renae, I wanna ask you a question about the name of the podcast. So I named my podcast Reimagining Hustle, and the reason that I named it this is because when I first started my business, I was not a parent.

[00:26:28] And I loved hustle culture like it was, it was life, right? I loved the feeling of it. I loved the hustle, hustle, hustle, go, go, go work hard, like low sleep, being a badge of honor. I totally bought into all, all of that nonsense. And then I had my daughter, my 10 year old. and um, and my whole world stopped. My whole world stopped and I knew instantly that what I was doing was not sustainable.

[00:26:55] And so I’ve been on this quest to reimagine this idea of hustle since then. So I would love to know from you, how do you reimagine the idea of hustle?

[00:27:06] Reimagined Hustle

[00:27:06] Renae O’Neill: Mm. That’s such a good one because I think it’s actually very common for people who have businesses before becoming moms that they are all about their business. It’s like their business is their first baby.

[00:27:19] Roxanne Merket: Oh yeah.

[00:27:19] Mm-hmm. .Yeah.

[00:27:21] Renae O’Neill: it, it’s taking up all your time and your energy and your focus and it’s something you love and adore, and then all of a sudden you have this beautiful little being that is almost replacing that.

[00:27:31] So it is very different. But hustle is definitely something that I don’t subscribe to because as a mom, I just don’t have that capability to do so. But I think for me, It’s all about just making sure that you are taking the moves, you know you’re doing the things. You are, you are. In business, you are working towards achieving those goals that you wanna achieve?

[00:28:01] I think you can. You can still be somebody who is making big, bold moves in business without the hustle side of it, because I think it depends. Everyone’s version of hustle is different. I say hustle is this thing of like, go, go, go until you’re almost burnt out. And I think as moms in particular and in business, we need to really make sure that we are filling up our own cup because we have so many people that we need to give to.

[00:28:28] And one thing that I like to think about is, As a mom, you don’t just want to like fill up your own cup. You want it so it’s overflowing and you give your overflow to everyone else and keep that cup just for yourself. So reimagining hustle to me is all about still doing the thing, still going after your goals and dreams, still taking action, doing those needle moving tasks, but also taking care of you throughout that process and, and making sure that you are still a bit of a priority.

[00:28:58] Um, and you are, you are still yeah. Fulfilling your needs at the same time.

[00:29:04] Roxanne Merket: What a great way to reimagine that idea. That’s, oh, thank you for that. Thank you for that. Okay, Renae, will you give us a 30 second pep talk for other parents on this entrepreneur journey?

[00:29:15] Pep Talk

[00:29:15] Renae O’Neill: Yeah, I think, I think it really is just what I was sharing before in just not being, not giving up because I just know that we do experience times in moments where life gets hard. You know, life throws a lemon at you. A whole bag of lemon sometimes, and it can feel all too much. And so I know that sometimes the first thing we go to is like, do we put the hand break on the business?

[00:29:39] Do we throw the business out the window? But my thing is just don’t give up. Keep going after your goals and dreams. Keep doing everything that you are, you are wanting to do. And, and also I think, For the mum’s listening is just know that you’re doing a damn good job. You are doing such an incredible job, and the fact that you are even listening to this podcast tells me that you’re a pretty phenomenal woman because you are taking time to, you know, work on yourself, your personal development, your inner growth, your, you know, you are wanting to create this business and this life for yourself, but for your family. And so I think, you know, it’s a moment for you to really stop and go, you know what? Actually I am doing a good job. And give yourself a pat on the back because being a mom’s really bloody hard, you know, let’s be honest.

[00:30:28] And running a business is really hard. And so putting them together, it, it can be a lot. And so just know that the fact that you are waking up in the morning, you’re being a mom, you’re looking after kids, you’re running your business. I mean, that’s, that’s pretty damn good in my book.

[00:30:45] Roxanne Merket: Mm. Renae I knew we were gonna have a fun time today, but I am all, I’m feeling like inspired and uplifted and like goosebumps in the best sort of way. Thank you for that pep talk. We need more of you. Tell us where we can find you online.

[00:30:58] Renae O’Neill: Yeah, so Instagram’s probably my favorite place to hang out, so you can find me at Renae dot O’Neill. Um, and I too have a podcast as well, so I have the mum boss podcast, which is um, very similar to you in the sense that it is for the moms who are aspiring to have a business or already have a business and just helping you be that present mom you’re wanting to be and have that successful business.

[00:31:22] Cuz I really do believe that you can have both. It’s just, you know, Looking at ways that you can make that happen for you in, in the season of life that you’re in, and, you know, arming yourself with those strategies and those tools and tips so you can make that happen for yourself. So yeah, come over to Instagram and let me know that you’ve listened and, and, you know, tag us both and, and let us know what your biggest takeaway is.

[00:31:44] I’d love to hear from you.

[00:31:45] Roxanne Merket: Yeah, that’d be fantastic. So go give her a follow, go listen to the podcast. Go, go check Renae out. Renae, this has been. Just absolutely incredible inspiring for me and I appreciate so much the gift of your time and, and your wisdom as well. Thank you,

[00:31:59] Renae O’Neill: Ah, thank you so much. I have loved chatting with you. I could talk to you all day,

[00:32:03] Roxanne Merket: No, I feel the same. Thank you so much.

[00:32:05] Renae O’Neill: Ah, thank you.

[00:32:07] Roxanne Merket: Thanks for listening to Reimagining Hustle with Roxanne Merket. If you like the show and want more, check out and please leave a review wherever you get your podcasts. We’ll be back next week with another episode. See you soon.