Trust The Journey – Reimagining Hustle with Amanda Cunningham

My big takeaway:

Slow down, trust your own journey, and listen to your intuition.

Amanda Cunningham is a mom of three, former corporate marketer, and founder of The Glory Days Co. Amanda started her planner company when her daughter Rory was born and diagnosed with T21. In this episode Amanda and I chat about the experience of learning how to support her daughter and launching a business at the same time.

Links from the show:

Show Notes:

0:54 – Amanda founded The Glory Days Co after her daughter was born and diagnosed with trisomy 21

2:20 – Amanda shares her birth story, including how she met her daughter’s diagnosis before she met her daughter

4:11 – Finding communities was more helpful than information from the medical community. Amanda walks us through what her life looked like those first few months

11:40 – The process of creating the special needs planner was serendipitous

12:34 – Right now feels like a success

13:37 – How has this journey changed Amanda?

14:40 – Guilt? Of course.

16:52 – Is Special Needs the right term? I ask Amanda what the proper terminology is.

18:54 – It’s possible to be an entrepreneur and a parent to a child with special needs at the same time, but you have to be realistic about your unique needs and your unique path.

20:44 – Reimagined hustle looks like slow growth, leaning into intuition, and not forcing it.

23:16 – Pep talk