Strength in Recognition | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Stephanie.  You are an angel.  I walked into your store not knowing that my soul was drained and empty. I knew my heart was heavy, but my soul? It was so battered I didn’t even recognize it anymore. You probably walked into work today as though it was any other day. Not realizing that […]

Strength in Imperfection | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Dahlia, From one recovering perfectionist to another, thank you Your strength lies in your ability to be imperfect. When our conversations first began, you identified as a perfectionist over and over and over. I get it. I’ve been there. But you’re so much more than that.  You’re a lover, a fighter, and filled with […]

Strength in Motherhood | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Peggy, Motherhood is holy. But motherhood is complicated. To dedicate your life to your humans is inspiring and terrifying. I was always scared of motherhood because it felt so black and white. Like I had to choose to be only a mother or not a mother at all. Like I had to choose to […]

Strength in Caring | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Eudocia, You know how some people find their calling and make everyone better because of it? That’s you. I knew the moment I met you that you had found your purpose in life. Not all teachers are this way, but you are. You’re a special one. I watch you on the playground each morning […]

Strength in Empathy | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Persy, You know when you meet someone special, and you don’t realize at first just how special? That’s how I feel about you. The more I learn of you, the more I’m grateful for your influence in my life. You embody strength through empathy. You are a strong woman. You have dedicated your life […]