Just Start – Reimagining Hustle with Lynn Power

Lynn is a longtime ad agency executive (formerly CEO of J. Walter Thompson NY) with a love for beauty. Her career has spanned the top ad agencies in the world (BBDO, McCann, Grey, Ogilvy & Mather are just a few) as well as some of the most iconic brands (American Express, Pizza Hut, Campari, Hershey’s). […]

Unapologetic – Reimagining Hustle with Kayla Pearson

Entrepreneur, mom, wife, and soldier Kayla Pearson is changing the world with her surf soaps. After realizing where the intersection of her worlds fell, she knew she couldn’t wait to start her business, despite the time the military demanded of her.  In this episode we talk guilt, time, and how to do it all even […]

Strength in Transformation  | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Dinah, You discovered something few ever learn… There is strength in transformation. It takes so much internal courage to transform something fundamental to you. Something at your core. It takes so much vulnerability and strength to look internally, sit with it, and decide if you are living in integrity. Thank you for sharing your […]

Strength in Authenticity | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Lidi, Discovering the truest parts of yourself is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do. Those whispers of who you really are will terrify you, entice you, enrage you, and free you. It takes strength to listen to those whispers. The amazing thing about it, though, is you will become stronger as […]

It’s Never Too Late To Start – Reimagining Hustle with Susan Cushman

Susan Cushman is a writer unlimited by genre. In fact, in one year Susan published 3 different books of 3 different genres with 3 different publishers! Susan is older than many of my guests – she celebrated 70 earlier this year! In this episode Susan shares her experiences and views on success and hustle throughout […]

Strength in Questioning | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Aria, Your strength comes in asking questions. So many questions. When I first met you, I was surprised by your curiosity. You asked questions to discover, asked questions to learn, and asked questions to build bridges. You wonder. You ask. You question.  You question everything. And therein lies your strength.  Because you’re always curious. […]

Strength in Vulnerability | Letters to Strong Women

Dear Merina, Your example of strength comes in your powerful ability to be vulnerable. Our relationship hasn’t always been an easy one, though I think we both wanted to be closer from the beginning. Something about the series of events that crashed our worlds together made it seem like we should be instant friends, but […]